The music of my soul...: A Little Early for Mother's Day, but it was timely for my week. I hope it is for yours too...
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

16 April 2007

A Little Early for Mother's Day, but it was timely for my week. I hope it is for yours too...

Dear Mothers,
I want to pass something on to you that a wise woman reminded me of at church on Sunday. It has proven to be a great source of meditation and encouragement to me this week.
She encouraged me about my quiet role of ministry as a mother, and compared it to the quiet, humble ministry that Dorcas/Tabitha had (in Acts). Dorcas was confident in who she was in Christ and often went unnoticed I'm sure, but it was ok with her because she knew in her heart that she was being obedient to what the Lord had called her to do. Thought it may have been small in many people's eyes, it had a great impact in the Lord's Kingdom! So too are mothers like this. Motherhood often goes unrecognized. It is a huge task. It is hard. But it is quiet. Day-to-day mothering chores are quiet. This ministry is not announced in the weekly service or celebrated at the annual meetings. But we are his quiet hands extending His love to our little ones. We have a GREAT role in His kingdom!
So be encouraged today, mothers. Although our role is quiet, it is huge! God sends His affirmation to you today.

p.s. Danielle had her 2 month well-child visit today. She weighs a whole 11 lb. 10 oz. now and is 23 1/4 in. long! Her head is growing too- 39 1/2 cm! This week I tried getting a onesie on her that fit fine before and had to practically jam it over her head to get it on. Poor thing. Needless to say, that was the last day that onesie will meet her skin. She's growing out of her newborn clothes. sniff sniff.


Richards' said...

Aw, I remember those days... We ended up getting onsies that have buttons at the back or top because Gabby has a very big noggin! The cheap-o's that have no buttons in the upper area have not fit over her head since she was in preemie clothes... (just the 1st week she was out of the womb)

Dena said...

It is sad to see them grow -- it happens so quickly. But it is fun and exciting, too.

Thanks for your encouragement, Ang. I sometimes think of really great people in our history/present, and the role of their mothers. Would George Washington, Winston Churchill, or Beth Moore have turned out to be such great leaders had their mothers been lazy, inconsistant, or absent? Perhaps. We can always overcome obstacles, but my point is that Im sure a lot of their character-shaping took place in the home in their early years. Mothering (and fathering) is extrememly important. Training up the "church of tomorrow" is not something that just happens at Sunday School or youth group. It's much more effective when Biblical principles are lived out daily in the home.

Disclaimer before someone gets mad at me: I'm not in anyway discrediting teaching through church programs or calling them ineffective. On the contrary. I just think we would all agree that the ideal would be a loving, Christian home re-enforcing God's Word.

Dena said...

I'm late on this comment, so I'm putting it here. It's regarding your germ article. I read it, and here's my thought. I'm sure these things exist more so in hotels and other public places, but I bet they exist in all our homes, too. No matter how much we clean, we can never make our home sterile. But the great thing is that we all have these great immune systems that help catch the majority of yuckies we come in contact with. Granted, Danielle's is still immature, but it will quickly strenghten. I used to be very concerned about Micaiah getting germs. But when he reached the age of starting to crawl, one day I was watching him practice and noticed that he was licking the floor. He'd never spent that much time staring at it, and I guess it seemed interesting. I realized there was basically nothing I could do about that, short of refusing to let him crawl. Micaiah is over a year now, and never been sick. And eventually he will get a cold, and it will break my heart. But after all, most of those germs will only cause a cold or flu at best, not a serious illness.

So keep on being a good mommy and protect your baby, but don't drive yourself crazy in the process. Besides, they tell me that by the second, third or fourth child, you could care less. We'll see.

Angela said...

Over 1 year old and never been sick???????? WOW! I've been told by my healthcare workers that a baby will have an average of 12 colds in their first year. It must be that clean southern air!
See, for me, being a germ-a-phobe is more about other people's viral's just...gross.
I will allow my children to build up their immune systems, but being educated in the health profession myself, I know about viruses and bacteria and I will not be stupid about it. It's still important to be careful with your kids. Purell is my best friend!

Anonymous said... "best friend" especially after those shopping cart activities :) We miss you guys also. Wish we were closer :)

Erskine said...

Great post, Ang. I've often wondered how I will handle that very aspect of motherhood when the time comes. I have to trust that the Lord will give me the grace, patience, and strength to take one day at a time!

I admire all mothers who devote themselves in such a selfless manner! I think it has to be one of the most "Christlike" positions available! (Not that that can really be measured...)

God bless!

Becky said...

It's really incredible how fast babies grow! It's unbelievable how fast time goes by when infants are involved. She's still gorgeous as ever. I hope you're having a blast!