The music of my soul...: Mama wa wa.
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

06 August 2007

Mama wa wa.

I so wish I had the video camera at home this morning. Unfortunately, it was left at the church. Most days, I feel like Danielle is growing so fast, and I don't have time or a chance to capture it all! This morning, after eating her breakfast, she rested content to sit and play in her high chair. I've been sitting here listening to her babble for 15 minutes now. She babbles constantly and it is so cute. This morning her choice words are "ba-wa", "a-gawa", and MAMA!!! My little girl is now saying "mama!" I am super excited about this.
See the thing is, I thought she said it a week or so ago. She was laying on my bed and I stepped into the bathroom. She was calling for me and I could have sworn she said "mama". I passed it off, as I have done since then, as just being something I was 'hearing', since everyone has said she would say 'dada' first. Plus, I thought, it has to be way too early!
Well this morning she did it again. As I stepped into the bathroom, I heard, "Gawa wa ba MAMA"! Morgan said, "She DID say mama!" And she has said it once more after that this morning. So I looked on the internet and sure enough, apparently other people's kids started saying mama and dada around this age too! Who knew??!
It has truly made my day!

In other news, I decided to keep the hair simple and just got a nice cut again...still long...layered...kept the bangs long (Kristi). I like it alot. I think I'm going to go get my ear pierced again...for some reason I've just want to do something like that lately. So upper ear- owie!- here I come.

Well I will keep this short as Danielle's ba-wa's have now turned into shreaky, whiney, "buauauauauaua", "dwa", "awa", and yes, "aMAMA". Don't worry, baby! Mama's a comin' to the rescue!

**I'm back to add another exciting element in the MacPherson home. Danielle has started going to sleep by herself at bedtime- 7:30 pm! Which means more time for mommy and daddy, better sleep for baby and she has learned the art of putting herself to sleep so we don't need to hold her so much any more! She has not been able to do this before. She would cry and cry and cry...which I just didn't like making her do. So now- 5 1/2 mo. old- she fusses a bit then falls asleep! Yay for Danielle! Yay for Mommy! This is a HUGE milestone for us. For some reason, I have had much anxiety over the issue- probably the majority unneeded. Now we're working on nap times and sleeping through the night. I am encouraged...this too will come in time.


Mommy of Four said...

It's a beautiful thing when they fall asleep on their own, isn't it?:)

Anonymous said...

How did you get your little girl to fall asleep on her own? My little guy is six months, and still cries around bedtime!

What was your trick?

Angela said...

Anonymous- I guess my 'trick' is that I just waited until she was ready. But I would keep encouraging her. I would let her try every week or so, and if she couldn't, she couldn't. That was ok and I would hold her/rock her to sleep or whatever it took. Finally, we noticed signs that she was ready. She would want to just play if we were there- so to show her that it was not play time, but bed time, we'd leave. She'd cry. It's not that she didn't cry at all...she still cries. But the crying comes and goes in spurts, and you can tell she is fussing herself down. It's how she needs to wind down I guess. She'll play a bit, cry a bit, play a bit, cry a bit. It's not hard crying (except for the occasional rise in pitch for a second or so), but it's enough to do the trick. She (most of the time) sleeps better if she falls asleep on her own.
I can tell you it's not worth stressing about. I did and I didn't need to.
Just keep trying, and eventually he'll get there, I'm sure!

Nata said...

Yep, I'm in Nova Scotia, and Paul's the youth pastor. I am NOTHING! And it's FABULOUS!