The music of my soul...: Welcome Home, Grandma.
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

02 June 2006

Welcome Home, Grandma.

My Grandmother passed away quietly this evening, June 2, 2006 around 9:00 pm EST, after a time of prayer with all her children and Grandpa.


Sarah said...

You'll be in my prayers. So thankful that your Grandma knows Jesus and is now sitting at His feet.

Liz said...

Praying for you and your family, Ang! Love you!

Erskine said...

You're right that I've met your grandma, and you're right that she is a saint. As for her proximity to the Great White Throne, I am jealous of her. Nevertheless, I empathize with your battle between the pain of losing a cherished person and the joy of knowing where she has gone. Natasha and I hope to call you two soon; we have a good long-distance plan now.

Mommy of Four said...

I'm sorry for you loss, Ang! From the sound of it, I'm sorry I never met her! We're prayng for you!

Jo said...

:( Ang, I'm sorry too. Loss of a grandparent can be acute... You are thought of this day.