The music of my soul...: My MacPherson Listy
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

06 April 2006

My MacPherson Listy

So everyone seems to be doing these blog lists...since usually I am one to succumb to peer pressure, I want to do one too! I know you all have just been waiting for this, so here it is...

12 Things You Didn't Know About Morgan and Ang:

1. We both are horribly germiphobic.

2. With my hairy leg genes and Morgan's hairy chest genes, our poor children are going to be saskwatches!

3. We love trying new, different restaurants (ok that's a lie...Angela loves it and over time, Morgan is starting to love it too! I knew I could change him! ;-))

4. Angela's dream is to be "sexy", but unfortunately it is impossible for her when she tries, and she ends up just being "cute". (It's a constant source of laughter in our home).

5. Morgan's hands & feet are FREEZING cold when he comes to bed, and I burn up...then 4 hours later, I'm freezing when Morgan steals the covers from tossing & turning because he's so hot! (You'd think we'd have this down after 3 1/2 years!)

6. We love watching movies together.

7. We've been known to use the word "sketchy" quite often.

8. We can't wait to have kids! (OK-I know this is nothing "new", but I had to get that one in!)

9. Morgan does all the finances except paying my health bills, b/c frankly, I suck at math.

10. Morgan is an amazing help when it comes to domestic duties!!!

11. We both like sugar too much. Icecream...mmmmmmm!!!

12. We are actually more opposite than alike, proving the old saying, "Opposites attract". (Maybe sometime I'll do a list of how we're different!)


Anonymous said...

Ah my sweet Ang!! I'm so proud to see such a great list!! informative!! I like #2!!! (and you know why!) And #4 is funny, but I'm sure not true! #5 is like our house. I'm cold, Andrew hot (ssssss) and we always seem surprised about it -"I'm hot, your cold!!!!" like it's a new occurence!! #7 is a GREAT word, you can use it for so much...when in doubt, 'sketchy' usually fits..."It's/He's just soooo (searching for a word)...sketchy" #11 explains A lOT!!!

What a fun should go pro!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I like the new pic on your profile. It's hot!! (notice I didn't say 'cute'?)

MacP said...

Why thank you, my dear! I must return the favor, your pict is looking pretty smokin' as well!
I had fun doing that list...maybe I'll do more! But it's gotta be the right thing to list about, ya know? DOn't want 'em to be too "sketchy"!

Angela said...

OOpS! That's funny. I just commented on Morgan's computer, and he was signed in, so it showed up as his name...thought I'd better clarify.

Rachael said...

You DO look hot!! Its already been said..but..ah well. I'll say it again YOu'RE HOT!!