The music of my soul...: Sudoku'd
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

01 April 2006


I'll admit. I've been "Sudoku'd".
This new puzzle craze has become really popular in the past year, and I've tried to avoid it (usually I want to be good at puzzles, so I try them and then I leave discouraged, as I realize how badly I really suck at them). However, I got sucked in. My mom is huge into them. She even bought a "Sudoku for Dummies" game for our family for Christmas! The other day she was doing one, and I ventured onto dangerous ground as I asked, "So how do those things work anyway?" She showed me. I'm hooked. I can actually do them!! They're fun. It's nice to stimulate my mind in a new way! So....yeah...I've been "sudoku'd".

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