The music of my soul...: Car Accident
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

16 April 2006

Car Accident

Please pray for my cousins. They got in a really bad car accident today! They live in South Carolina. The oldest is Hannah (18); she is in the hospital with a broken back. The next oldest is Priscilla (17); she was airlifted from the accident and the hospital is not even allowing the family to see her yet...we don't know how bad, but it's pretty bad. The next oldest is Faith (16)...we have not heard news of her yet, so don't know if she was spared any injuries or maybe she was not in the car. Mark Jr. (15) is the next one, and he has a broken arm.

They all homeschool and were planning on graduating from high school this year together, and were raising money to take a missions trip this summer as their class trip.

I would post a picture of them, but I don't have a scannner at home.

please just pray for them during these critical first hours in the hospital. They are very dear to me.

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