The music of my soul...: Surgery's over...both are fine
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

20 April 2006

Surgery's over...both are fine

Here is a post-surgery update on Hannah and Priscilla:
Grandma called tonight to say that Priscilla's surgery was over and she did just fine. According to Mark, she has very minimal scarring.

Hannah is also recovering. They went thru her abdomen to her spine and had to clean out slivers of her vertebrae. But both girls are recovering from surgery tonight.

Again, thank you so much for praying.


Travis said...

I'm so glad to hear that your cousins are doing better. We were worried about them and prayed for them. Hope they continue their recovery alright.

Your Florida Cuz,


Angela said...

Hey Travis!
Yes, it's so cool how God spared their lives and are healing them! They are just so on fire for God, and especially even more now that they've come through this!
I'll probably post again about it soon!
Nice to hear from you!