The music of my soul...: Let's Hear it for Natasha Erskine!!!
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11 November 2005

Let's Hear it for Natasha Erskine!!!

This post is solely to honor Mrs. Natasha F. (Currie) Erskine. Why? Just because I was thinking about her, but never get to talk to her, and felt like getting her to somehow maybe start blogging. :-) Then again, it is because she is so wonderful that she is so busy and does not really need to become a blogger to become any more wonderful!
So, Natasha, I love you and treasure your friendship.

p.s. I think I'm going to start this...I won't say person of the week, because I might not be that good. But as of right now, Natasha is my "spotlight" person. Why do YOU think Natasha's wonderful???


Erskine said...

I don't always comment on your blog when I read it, Ang, but you know I can't pass this up. I think Natasha is wonderful for 1,000 reasons, but mostly because she is my soul mate. We're equally yoked, which is funny because she's better than me. She is a beautiful woman whose inner beauty is what makes her outer beauty so radiant. Her voice makes me shiver. She is a fabulous wife, always keeping our home calm and together. What a woman!

matthew said...

I don't know her well and so don't know the 1000 reasons lynn knows, but in my limited observation i am not surprised that many exist. Natasha seemed very kind and compassionate and has a beautiful voice. God bless her :)

The year I was on chorale and lynn and natasha had a duet, that was my favorite song

Judy said...

Yay for Natasha and a beautiful heart! Fond memories of love and understanding that could only come from Jesus

I think if she blogged it would be nice...however I also vaguely remember her being ridiculously busy.

Lor & Josh said...

Natasha. One of the things I admire most about her is her humility. We could all spout off "1,000 reasons" why she is an incredibly talented, anointend, beautiful woman of God who inspires all who know her to love Jesus more, but she would turn all that back around to reflect glory to the Father. I admire Natasha's heart of humility.

Heather Durkee said...

I also enjoy Natasha! She's great!

b.rando said...

has natasha read this? if so "hi" and i bet you blushed and i like your cinnamon roll things that you made when i was at your place in sussex and i want the recipe and you can send it to bkshillington at sympatico dot ca.

oh, and hi angela.

Erskine said...

Hello Ang and friends! This is Natasha, not Lynn; though I am often mistaken as Lynn because he has a girls name :)! I just wanted to say that I am humbled by your kind thoughts concerning me. I'm thankful, Ang, that you still think of me! I look forward to another phone date in the future. Now, all of you please stop talking about me behind my back!
Natasha :)