The music of my soul...: A week in the life of a Jesus Freak
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04 September 2005

A week in the life of a Jesus Freak

Hi everyone! Lots going on here! Here's an update:
1. Last weekend was our 1st Annual Skyline Teens "The Refuge" Youth Camp, and it was awesome! It was a super time of creating unity among the youth group (as many go to different schools), and most of them made commitments and gave their lives to God! For most of them, this was their first Christian youth camp experience and for some was also a first time exposure to some serious "God-focus" time. We got to see God do some incredible things in their lives! We had lots of fun too. I'll post some picts soon. Please pray for these kids as they go back to school next week.

2. This week was my first week back to college. It was really good. I like all my classes (especially human anatomy) except Anthropology. My professor is too smart. Big words! I'll catch on. The learning about evolution as a fact instead of theory thing is interesting too.

3. THe Alaskan summer is officially over. We have frost. It is cool. We will not see any more 70 degrees or intense sunshine now for a while. We still have long days (it gets dark around 9:30pm), but it's rainy. Ah, how wonderful the Alaskan August is. (said sarcastically) I miss NewBrunswick falls- the colors. All we have is Birch and willow here. It's pretty much yellow and orange all around. I miss the Maple Reds!!!! No complaints though. Alaska makes up for hte beauty in other ways for sure. We saw the first dusting of snow on the mountains this week too!

4. The Alaska State Fair was on for the past 2 weeks. That's always lots of fun. It's a pretty huge thing up here. They always bring up one Christian artist to give a concert at the fair. Last year it was Skillet; this year it was Toby Mac. We went old school folks. Our teens didn't even know who DC Talk was!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He puts on a good concert!!! WE were impressed. His message is very clear, and very appreciated. At the end of the concert, he had some extra time, and he had not done "jesus freak". well if you're going to go hear toby mac to begin with, you have to be prepared to hear something totally old school and overdone, so I yelled at the top of my lungs, "JESUS FREAK!!!!" He stops. Thinks for a second. Then goes, "Alright, we'll get old school folks." Then his white boy lead guitar guy started off. I was so proud of myself. That is not usually an angela thing to do. I was brave. I even joined the teens up front and danced. What is this youth pastor's wife thing doing to me? I am coming out of my shell. It's a good thing.

So this is a long blog, but really life is long. I won't bore you wiht more details of my life this week. It was an eventful one though!

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