Nursing School
I've just realized...I'm crazy and insane. Why am I going back to school? Why am I putting myself through another 6 years to become a Nurse Practitioner? It is amazing the things that we are able to do in Christ, especially when we step back and think of what life would be like without Him.
I'm excited, but at the same time nervous, because it is such a huge commitment. I start in 1 1/2 weeks now! Taking Anatomy & Lab, Chemistry Survey & Lab, Cultural Anthropology and Life Span Development. Should be interesting! I haven't disected anything since little pigs and frogs in high school! Awww---the memories and scents of that sweet fermaldahyde is coming back to me.
Many times I wish I could just be a homemaker...just a stay at home mother (someday) and pastor's wife. I just don't feel that is exactly all that God has in mind for me. So I will press on, read more books, write more papers, study for more exams. And maybe, hopefully, in 6 or 7 years, whenever I can look back on a BS and Masters well done, I will then be equipped to help others as I have been helped.
I just want to encourage you on your journey! That is such a huge step, and I know you can do it. I a so excited for you....Nurse Ange!!
go get 'em crazy lady.
I'm super excited for you too, Ang! The thought of going back to school makes me feel like i'm gonna vomit, but hey, i'm not the one going back!! I know that you're gonna do great! Keep us posted on how you're doing!
wow, nursing school! that's quite the change! good luck and I know you will do well!
Thanks guys! I'm excited too. I'm so sure that this is the right thing! I'm going to still be teaching my students, but am dropping down to 10; and still working at the bridal salon 2 days a week. So pray for me that I will be a great multi-tasker! We'll see how well I handle school, church life, & work this time!
oh liz...i'll vomit for you.
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