The music of my soul...: Toilet Talk
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

05 May 2005

Toilet Talk

On our trip back, we spent quite a bit of time getting to know the life of an airport terminal. Aw what fun we had. I realized a new pet peeve I have! You know those airport toilets that flush automatically, b/c of sensors or whatever? Well you who know me well know I never flush a public toilet with my hand. Either it gets the foot or the toilet paper wrap-a-round. So these automatic flushers are awesome! Germ girl likes it. HOWEVER!!! Everytime I went to use one, it would flush too early! Then you get sprayed all over with the mist of the power toilets. It's not a fun experience. Toilet water. yay. Then you feel doubly dirty. I think I'd rather use my hand. You can't win with these new fangled toilets. The same option still exists- hold it or prepare to inherit an extra germ. Sometimes the choice is overwhelming.


kb said...

Hey Angela,

Sorry never got the chance to come over and say hello to you and morgan! Congrats on your college graduation!


Heather Durkee said...

Hey Ang. Cool pics and I am glad to hear that grad was good. I was sad that I couldn't be there, but it seemed like everyone had a great time! I have had the same toilet experience. Good observation. I will say no more on that topic! I hope you are all doing well.

Angela said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog anyway, Kris! It was good to see you from afar!
Heather, I wish we could have seen you! It was good times. I enjoyed watching your husband in chorale again! I think the chorale sounds better than ever this year! Well we missed you!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who suffers from airport toilet-phobia.